Friday 29 August 2014

I feel changed

Changed by the weekend, changed by my resolve, by the Sarah Waters book, Reading Festival, the rain. I also feel aimless.

National burger day at Sophie's in Covent Garden with D and M. Caramel ice-cream dessert. The total surprise of realising that it's my anniversary.

Sarah Fucking Waters Yes.

Friday with M at the Barbican Digital Revolution exhibition - absolutely awesome. Dirty Burger afterwards in Shoreditch.

Friday 22 August 2014

Pink spiders

Band practice with a new song being hammered into shape. Dead mouse in the studio. Planting my Phlox and daisies, first apples from the tree cut-up and frozen for LATER. Drink Monday evening and the IKEA desk. Leaving drinks for SF at Ami. Playing squash with D after a G&T and 2 cigarettes is NOT a good idea.

Dinner with Su in the new sushi place on Southbank, and her revelation about her mom! Band practice at mine, and another song taking shape. Friday READING FESTIVAL - on my own. Daunting at first, but turns out to be amazing - probably because of Queens of the Stone Age and having someone look out for me till I got safely home. Also saw Brody Dalle, Vampire Weekend, SUBTRKT, an upcoming new alternative band, and introduced to Paramore. Met Jack from Brighton group Crisis Warning.

Friday 15 August 2014

Down the Valley of Realisation, Up the Hill of Clarity

Edinburgh festival. 4 hour jam session with Davidx2 in Tottenham Court Road - absolutely awesome. Back to the Future Secret Cinema. Trying desperately to feel better. To get out of this cycle.

Finally scaled One Tree Hill. Clarity... I asked for clarity, and here it is, arriving piece by piece like guests to a party. Robin Williams :(

Played squash against my inner demons and won. Must do it more often. Place booked in the Raiders tournament in Leicester!

How is it possible that no single decision I'm making feels right?? Lesley's mom :( Thursday Vodka Revolution night with IC & SJ.

In the world: Robin Williams dies

Friday 8 August 2014


Painted stars on my ceiling. Billy Holiday painting is done! Planning a sculpture. Meeting prospective house mate, band request from Halina (mel's friend). Orange is the new black season 1 done. Bought more flowers for the garden. Sue brunch in London Bridge. Back to the future outfit sorted.

Sunday softball fielding clinic! FEAST street food festival with M in Tobacco dock. Godfather with live orchestra booked!

Monday chat, notice period extended. Some relief, but the deep sadness remains. Considering Bupa's mental health councillors. Tuesday off - Homebase shopping trip, flowers, garden stuff. Braai prep and the feast that followed! D's lamb rack superb. E might be moving in :)

Hung Billy Holiday up for now. Painted more stars, and hung up the corkboard I finally bought for my room. FINALLY BOUGHT AN OFFICE CHAIR! (That stupid second hand shop was finally open!). Drummed.

Raiders quarter finals with JP, GB and SuJ supporting! 14-14 draw in the last innings, then playing 2 sudden death innings before TMW scored a whopping 7 runs to put us out of the league. Great night out with the team.

Oscar closing arguments. Squash with D. Orchestral performance of Andriesen's De Staat (inspired by Plato's Republic). Drunk with the housemates. Rossini booked :)

Friday 1 August 2014

Peter merely said: Any kind of love is alright

Hosted my own private drum show in the dark. Even got excited when my song came on, as if I didn't have the spotify player control. Drummed like a demon. Hand is sore now though :( along with the rest of my body from squash (Closing in on Dan though... 11-8 D, 8-11 A, 11-9 D, 11-7 D, 11-6 D, 11-6 D, 13-11 A, 7-11 A, 11-2 D, 11-3 D). Nan's Order of Service booklet done for first review.

Funeral booklet sent to printers in record time. Second shit day at work. Revelations... after a park visit in the sun. I will not be a victim any longer. Poker night awesome with DB and MA. Drawn up the advert for MD's room. Coffee shop dude and plans of a band...

My "meltdown" lol
Friday Nan's beautiful funeral, coming home to garden, paint, FINALLY HANG MY VINYL COVERS! Made the SF PRAWN TACOS MOFO. Stylist book club with Sarah Waters booked!

Notice handed in...